Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Emergence Experience!!!!!

    2. Atomic Habits Audio Book

    3. Atomic Habit Bonus Materials

    4. Need additional Support?

    1. Systems Management with Chaslyn Piper of Piper Profession

    2. Time & Energy Audit for Maximum Productivity

    1. Live Class Replay 1/16/24

    2. Get to know thyself

    1. Live Call Replay 1/23/24

    2. Growth Assignment

    1. Live Class 1/30/24

    2. Growth Assignment: Who are the people in your Neighborhood

    3. Strengths and Opportunities Hand Out

    1. Live Class replay 2/6/24

    2. Saboteur Assessment

    3. Loving Kindness Meditation

    4. Building Rapport Growth Work

About this course

  • $150.00 / month
  • 24 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today